2-4 Year Old Program
The 2-4 year old Montessori Program is designed for children ages two to four years old. In a specially prepared environment, our younger children engage in activities that develop concentration, visual discrimination and fine motor skills. Sensory exploration is another key ingredient in the younger curriculum. Children work towards independence through everyday practical life activities designed to teach care of self and of the environment. These activities promote self-confidence as children become capable of doing things by themselves.
Children of this age are in a sensitive period for language; meaning there is no other time in a child's life when it is easier for him/her to acquire language skills. Language is developed through activities such as working with classroom materials such as sandpaper letters, songs and finger plays, reading books, and playing games like "I spy" and mystery bag games..
We also begin using authentic Montessori math materials to build a concrete understanding of mathematical concepts.
Social skills are a necessity in life. Even at this very young age, children are able to begin to understand the concept of having empathy for others. They can also learn grace and courtesy (otherwise known as manners), which includes greetings, saying please and thank you, and taking turns. In our class, young children work toward acquiring all of these skills. With the aid and support of our classroom teachers, children who are ready and prepared will work on toilet training. Skills such as dressing and undressing must be in place before young children are ready to get started. In our outdoor environment, young children develop their gross motor skills. Children are provided opportunities for running, jumping, climbing and balancing.
Children who complete our 2-4 year old program are well prepared for the lessons and challenges that await them in the 3-6 year old classes. Readiness is determined on an individual basis and not by a calendar date.

3-6 & Kindergarten Program
Our 3-6 & Kindergarten Program consists of students ages 3 through 6. In the 3-6 classroom, everything is interrelated; one lesson leads to many others. The child moves from concrete towards abstract learning concepts. Success is directly related to the height in which children believe they are capable of achieving, while becoming self-sufficient human beings. We set the pattern for a lifetime of good work habits and a sense of responsibility. Students are taught to take pride in their work, developing independence and self-confidence. As the older kindergarteners are shaped into role models, they present lessons to the younger children, and a harmony in the classroom is achieved.
A peaceful, caring environment, where grace and courtesy are taught develops good citizenship among the children. Learning how to care for the environment, self, and others is a key factor in the Montessori Method.
The classroom is organized into curriculum areas: language arts, mathematics and geometry, practical life skills, sensory-awareness works, geography, history, science, art, music and movement.